Tange TX-500 (Straight Leg) Forks

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Date Code

The Tange Forks date stamp can be found on the steering tube. This is in the format of "YEAR-MONTH". The first number of the date stamp is the last digit of the year of manufacture. The number 9 represents 1979, 0 represents 1980, 1 represents 1981, etc. The second letter represents the month that the forks were manufactured using the first 12 letters of the alphabet. The letter A represents January, B represents February, etc.


  • December 1978 - The Laguna GT BMX Bike advertisement features the Tange TX-500 Straight Leg forks fitted to the bike. In the October review, these were the Tange TX-500 Bent Leg Forks.
  • January 1979 - Reviewed in the BMX Action article; The Fork Chronicles. This articled provided a Fork Comparison Chart reviewing all of the available forks in January 1979.
  • May 1980 - Panda BMX Bikes advertisement, Trick Stuff from Panda BMX Bikes, features the Tange TX-500 forks as part of the current product line. This advertisement features in BMX Plus!
  • March 1979 - Tange Forks advertisement, TANGE FORKS - Bobby tried the new Tanges and he digs 'em, features in BMX Action showcasing the Tange TX500, TX1200, TX1200W.
  • June 1979 - Pictured on the 1979 Sekai Superhawk #350 BMX advertisement in BMX Action.
  • August 1979 - Featured in the CYC Stormer Bike Review in BMX Action.

Factory Fitted

  • 1979 Sekai Superhawk #350
  • 1979 CYC Stormer



Featured in BMX Action from March 1979.

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