Tange TX-1200 Pinch Forks

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Tange TX-1200 Pinch Forks are available in blue, red, yellow, black, white and show chrome.

Date Code

The Tange Forks date stamp can be found on the steering tube. This is in the format of "YEAR-MONTH". The first number of the date stamp is the last digit of the year of manufacture. The number 9 represents 1979, 0 represents 1980, 1 represents 1981, etc. The second letter represents the month that the forks were manufactured using the first 12 letters of the alphabet. The letter A represents January, B represents February, etc.


  • December 1978 - BMX Action features the Tange TX-1200W Pinch Forks as part of the 1978 BMX Equipment Buyer's Guide.
  • January 1979 - Reviewed in the BMX Action article; The Fork Chronicles. This article provided a Fork Comparison Chart reviewing all of the available forks in January 1979.
  • March 1979 to October 1979 - Tange advertises the Tange Forks range in BMX Action.

Factory Fitted

  • 1979-1981 Mongoose BMX (All)
  • 1979-1984 Malvern Star Maxi


Featured in BMX Action from March 1979.

Featured in BMX Plus! from May 1979.

Featured in BMX Action from June 1979 to October 1979.

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